Pedestrian secures £47,500 in damages

We took instructions in a case in which the client was a pedestrian crossing a road when they were hit by the defendant vehicle, however following impact the offending driver drove away from the scene.

Liability in this case was denied by the Defendant driver and their insurer, firstly by denying that they were near the location at the time of incident, followed by a denial that any collision had occurred, and finally that if a collision had occurred, they alleged our client had stepped off the kerb without indication and was the responsible party.

In line with the client’s instructions we refused to accept any of the defences raised by the Defendant and set about proving his client’s case. The client’s income meant that they were above the financial threshold for legal aid and as such we obtained After the Event Legal Expenses Insurance for his client to enable them to proceed with the matter to court.

We obtained several expert liability reports to include a civil engineer’s report which involved a crash reconstruction of the location together with a motor assessor’s report of the offending vehicle which confirmed evidence of a previous collision and repair work to the vehicle. We then obtained several medical reports with leading Consultants to include Orthopaedic, Psychiatric, Physiotherapy and the obtaining of a private MRI scan and subsequent expert Radiology report.

Proceedings were issued in the High Court and on the day of Trial liability was accepted in full by the Defendant with the client receiving £47,500 in settlement of their claim.

The client was delighted with the outcome but in their feedback, their most appreciative point was our belief in their instructions and integrity, and his tenacity in proving the case on his client’s behalf.